Fred Fowle ‘The Master’ Fairground Artist

‘Futuristic Fred’ (1914 to 1983) – Classic Fairground Artist

Fairground Decoration to R. Edwards Dodg'ems by Fred Fowle
Decorations to Edwards’ Dodg’ems by Fred Fowle

Fred Fowle was a classic fairground artist who decorated many of the leading showfolks’ tackle.  He upheld the tradition of classic fairground art.  His incredible 3D images seemed to somehow mimic the actual motion of individual amusement riding machines.  He was in a class of his own, especially with ‘marbling’ and ‘diminishing dropshade (with deep perspective)’ techniques, often using partridge feathers instead of brushes to achieve unbelievable results with paint.

Fred Fowles' Decoration to Edwards' Dodg'em Track
Fred Fowles’ Decoration to Edwards’ Dodg’em Track

Fred was an admirer of Great British Art and saw the fairground as a huge canvas to create his bold statements of form and colour.  Fred Fowle remains one of the most revered classical decorators of traditional showland rides and attractions, and showfolk still hold in great affection the memory of this mild mannered and likeable personality.

Fred Fowle's Decoration to Benson's Speedway Ark Gondola
Fred Fowle’s Decoration of Mercury to Benson’s Speedway Ark Gondola 








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